Monday, May 9, 2011

5 More Days Before Vacation!

Well, I know that I've been missing days with my posts lately.  For anyone that faithfully reads my blog and notices the gaps in posting, I thank you and apologize.  Now that I've apologized, let me announce that in five days I will be going on a much needed vacation to Italy for two weeks.  I will not be taking my computer with me, so you can expect a big gap in posts.  If I have any big revelations I will try to make it to an internet cafe.  Otherwise, you can expect me to keep track in my notebook and fill you in when I get back. 

I don't feel that I really have too much to report, except that I've been trying to read about Time Management and how important it is to prioritize and not overextend yourself or set unachievable goals, while making to-do lists that include so many things that completing them all is absolutely unachievable.  So far, I've been doing alright with the juggling.  This morning I had a cup of Brazilian coffee and became incredibly focused and productive.  Great! Fabulous! I wanted to throw myself a ticker tape parade.  The downside? Where's the catch, you ask?  I am so wired and jittery now, that I might as well have stuck my fingers into the electrical socket.  Not only that, but it does also make me feel very anxious.  I know that this is a side effect from the caffeine and not a psychological issue right now, which is better than feeling it and not knowing that.  I guess that's a small price to pay for having made all the phone calls that I needed to make before leaving the country again, but it's certainly not a comfortable feeling and not something I'd want to do all the time.

Anyway, I'll try to write some more before vacation.  For now, I'm off to Barcelona!

1 comment:

Carly said...

Enjoy your vacation and a break from technology! I bet it helps with the whole task of managing time as well as finding inspiration :)