Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Make Every Day Happen On Purpose

I'm sitting in our crew lounge at JFK waiting to brief and fly off to Barcelona, but in the couple of minutes I have left to wait I wanted to make a note of a realization I had while in the car driving here.  I was sitting there just enjoying the beautiful spring breeze when I remembered that I had not written a blog entry yet today.  Then I realized that ever since I started writing this blog, I've been living on purpose.  Every day I've had my goal in the forefront of my mind and at the base of my actions.  Let me tell you, life is so much more enjoyable when you don't just let it carry you along.  I feel like I have more energy and my days seem so much longer.  I get so much more done because even if the task seems unimportant in and of itself, I see how it fits into the puzzle that I am creating and how doing or not doing it will affect the rest of my "on purpose" actions and day.  Just this morning I got a huge amount of laundry done, the common areas of my apartment neatened (I was afraid if I didn't move my piles of random things, my poor roommate would be tempted to throw them out the window soon), I paid my rent and my credit card bill, repacked my luggage, and even made my bed!  If I had not been doing these things with a higher goal in mind, I never would have gotten two of them done, let alone all of them. 

By golly, I think I've finally got it!

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