Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What does your dream look like?

I woke up this morning, put some music on, and thought to myself: What will I do today?  Among all of the things that I have to do, chores as we used to call them when we were kids, I found a few things that I could do to get just a little closer to my dream.  It's a little tricky to figure out what they are sometimes since I don't know exactly what the picture of my dream looks like just yet.  I have very strong feelings steering me towards my dream, but I couldn't tell you exactly what it is.  I think that's part of the fun, though.  It's like we are the artist of our life's path.  Just like a painter picks up a brush and begins to smear color onto a canvas that has nothing on it yet, so we take our daily actions and with them invite opportunities into our lives.  The colors that the painter chooses determines what the painting will look like when it is displayed in a gallery or museum.  The actions that we choose every day determine what our life's path will turn into.  We have the power within us to create a life that is full of passion and beauty, we just need to recognize it and embrace it.

My dream has a whole lot of different components that do not look like anything concrete yet.  I know that I will have to think a lot and get creative both in an artistic sense and in the sense of using creativity to overcome obstacles that pretend to tell me I can't do what I want.  I know that I will not be stuck inside a cubicle for the rest of my life (I already got out of the cubicle and have no intentions of going back into it unless I'm certain that it will help me move closer to my dream).  I also know that I want whatever I do in life to contribute to the good of mankind, whether it be making people's lives a little richer through cultural media such as photography, and writing or through some sort of concrete movement to help our brothers and sisters at home and throughout the world achieve their most basic needs (one of which I firmly believe is each person's ability to reach for their dreams).  

So, tell me, what does your dream look like?  Even if you don't know what the finished product looks like, share through your comments what you know it will entail, and what you know will not be part of it.  Feel free to post comments and to comment on other people's comments.  This blog, after all, is not just about me.  It is for and about every person that has some yearning to strive for something in life.

Thanks for reading, I look forward to reading about your dreams!

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